About Us

With over 40 years of graphic design experience between us, it should come as no surprise that we would incorporate our skills into everything we do. Both of us began our interest in computers and graphics while in high school. Rusted Icon was first a humble online portfolio for our art and writings. From there, we forged into front-end web design (picking up the Designs title) and eventually landed head first into creating physical items for sale (where we became an LLC). Made obvious by our spread of products, our interests have only grown with each passing year.

What We Do

We’ve been in business since 2009 and in that time, we have created many websites for area locals, some of which are still in use and maintained today. We’ve participated in craft shows, comic and gaming conventions and even the occasional street fair. In 2018 we became licensed by White Wolf Entertainment and created accessories for their various IPs. In July of 2024, our license was unfortunately not renewed, but our legacy still lives on in our Etsy reviews. Always looking forward, we are taking our new found free time to explore new ideas and endeavors.

What We Use

To make our creations, we employ the use of a die cutter, a 40w CO2 laser, and a 40w Fiber laser.

These cover most of our bases for creating designs on acrylic, metal, glass, wood, paper, vinyl and many other materials. We are currently looking into a diode laser and possibly a CNC machine.

Most of Angela’s crafts are made by hand, so keep that in mind when you’re perusing her perler creations and jewelry.